Monday, November 15, 2010

Picture book topic one

In world war 2 Adolf Hitler created concentration camps, a place were all the peoplewere rounded up went. Auschwitz, a Nazi death camp. These death camps targeted jews,gypsies, soviet POW's ( prisoners of war), twins, and even children. During the holocaust many death camp had medical doctors in the camps and these men would performed series of surgeries of the women and children.If the children were not killed right after ariving at the death camps they were experimented on by Josef Mengele. Who became famous for his operations on twins, Mengele had a strange liking for twins he wouldperform all types of operations and injections on them. If they even survived these experiments they would die days laterfrom infections or the pain from what had been done to them. It was recorded the Mengele took a pair of twins a sewn themtogether, creating in his eyes a pair of siamese twins. The twins died days later from a hand ifection were they had been jioned.As you can tell Auscwitz was terrible but what happened there is even worse.
Adolf Hitler was born April 20, 1889 his Father had high hopes for him but when Hitler started to do bad in school his dad gotangry and their relationship got a lot worse. At the age of 13 his father died and him and his mother began recieveing his fathers pension from the war. He got his mother to get him out of school and send him to vienna so he may go to an artschool. When they did not take him he went home to find that his mother had just died. Once he began to recieve his fathers money he went back to vienna, during the day he would go out and draw the buildings and at night he wouldread books in bed. During the beginning of world war one he enrolled in the army and went to war. He was later injuredand taken to a hospital that was a socialist group meeting place. when they were captured Hitler told them he wasn'tone of them. He conviced them and went back into the army, were he was promoted to being a political capitan.  He was then used as spy to infultrat the GWP German Worker's Party which by Adolf Hitler was turn into the Nazi Party.

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