Sunday, November 21, 2010


        In the book The Giver there are so many things to talk about. Although it is called a children's book there are many mature things the go on in it. By the means of the towns people the world that they live in is considered to be perfect. They live in a world with out pain in they get hurt they are given medication to cause the pain to go away. No one truly knows what pain is and they don't not even understand the word pin because in there town the word is never used because no one is ever in pain or is feeling any thing else then what there perfect world lets them feel. All they do feel is pleasure thats what they live in. They live in a world without pain despair or even evil's.
     It is the job of the receiver of memory to experience all the suffering the world can give and jonas has to live through these horrible memories just so that the rest of the people in his town can go on with there innocent lives while he bears all the pain had has to suffer until he dies because the towns people aparently would not be able to handle the idea of pain. The giver who is giving Jonas the memories is tormented by the memories of what he has seen they cause him on certain days to force him not to be able to do anything but rock back and forth in his chair. Jonas knows the knew he completes his job he will become the giver and then he will be living in pain just as the giver does.
     One day he learns what love is from the giver and when he goes home he asks his parents if they love him. They say that the word love is to strong and that they apreciate Jonas and enjoy him as company. I think that this is the most monstorous thing I have ever heard because how can you say that to your son he greatly looks up to you and would be joyous if you just said yes, I mean even lying would have been better. Though from this question he starts to see ho messed up his town truly is and how all of the people have been raised.
        All of these things make the book a great read and although there are many big ideas it is just nice to sit down with this book a try to find out what will happen next.

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